Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is the difference between being married and being a single mother?

Right now I clean the house, do the laundry, iron my clothes, cook dinner, wash the dishes, work 35 hours a week. Watch my 2 kids deal with being 7 months pregnant, schedule all doctor appointments, do the grocery shopping, budget and send out the bills. My husband watches the kids while I'm at work and sometimes goes to work other times calls in sick cause he is to tired from watching the kids then playing video games instead of getting sleep. So really what is the difference from being single then being married?What is the difference between being married and being a single mother?
If you are single with kids, you get to collect child support if the bum is working. You most likely will have less work to do around the house picking up after him, and less stress dealing with his sorry ways.What is the difference between being married and being a single mother?
In most marriages the husband isn't a dead-beat dad that sits on his @ss all the time and acts like a child. So to answer your question the difference in this case is nothing really but if your husband was a ';man'; in any sense of the word then your marriage would include a helping hand around the house and with the kids, an additional income and someone to talk to and relax with when you get the chance.
I was in the same boat when I was married. Now Im seperated, and struggling financially, but it is domestically the same. The biggest difference is how lonely it is when your kids are in bed. How lonely it is taking them to get the pumpkins and doing family things by yourself. Single motherhood is seriously rough and a step I wouldnt take lightly.
I think a lot of the times we underestimate and take for granted the help that we receive from our men. I really do feel you, but I think our world's would be completely different without them. We have the realize that women are more empowering and when we set forth a goal to complete something, we do it and make sure that it gets done. We have to realize that not everyone can move like we do (at the speed of light) and be Super Woman (or Super Man for men).

Just hang in there and know that you do what is worth doing for your family and although he may not show it or say it often, he appreciates you more than you know.
If your husband is no good a penny, then you are in danger, bro.

You should try to be a mother with max 2 kids so your worries won't extend to a greater extent. Did your husband work too? If not, then ask him to do the CHORES and Houseworks!!!! He's not even better than a son of a ***** if he won't do that. If everything went worse from time to time, I feared that you will be stressed out! I'm afraid that you MARRIED the wrong GUY!

Well, try to talk with him about this. Conversation is the best solution.
Your strong implication is that you have taken on a disproportionate share of the household workload. It would behoove you to assertively negotiate a fair list distributing work between you and your husband. Clearly, you have allowed an intolerable situation to persist for way too long. Oh, and, get on some birth control after this one, because adding more children is not going to make your life easier, it will make it harder!
well then why don't you speak up and ask for help around the house??? you have that option.

Other then that your acting like your single so i can see that! not using your partner for help with house hold stuff so in your mind for you it's the same!

why not utlize the tools you have like your other half! they will never jump and do it for you but if you ask after a some whining and complaining he may just help out!

In your case, not a whole lot...thankfully, not all marriages are like yours and the couple shares the chores and financial responsibility of having a home/family.

Good luck to may need to put your foot down regarding sharing responsibilities, or consider finding out what single parenthood is like first hand (at least that way you'd have one less baby to take care of and less resentment).
The difference is that you don't have a lump in the bed that snores, belches, breaks wind or gropes you at inopportune moments. The toilet seat is not left up. You don't have to go on the great sock hunt or uncover a fetid pile of clothing that could have made its own way to the washing machine.

But, you also lose any potential income, a body to help with heavy not sure what more judging from your question....

Nothing really. LOL I've always thought this way anyway. We do most of the crap that needs to be done. We just have tp pass spme of these things off to them. But then they act stupid and play dumb like they don't know how to do something?? But they can fix cars and do all these other things%26gt;%26gt;but can't throw a load of laundry in the washing machine. I've always said that they play dumb and act like they don't know what their doing?? They know. They just don't want to do it. Start giving him things to do around the house. OH YA%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; the other thing we woman get is WE DON'T DO ANYTHING.WE'RE JUST HOUSEWIFES????????????? That ones ALWAYS killed me. LOL LOL
lol.. well there is the second paycheck, which you would get from child support payments. So in your case the only difference is the free babysitter. So maybe if you divorce he will still watch the kids while you work, doubt it though.

Not all marriages are like this. Put your foot down and make him do his part.
Even him watching the kids when you work is a big help. I use to be a single mom and it was much harder than being married. It also depends on to whom you are married. If you feel like he does not pull his weight then tell him and stop doing the chores he might get the hint.
In your case not much difference except a live in babysitter. Talk to your husband and tell him how you are feeling and ask him to take some of the load off you or the way I see it your marriage is definitely not going to last.
Welcome to marriage. Well you could have a husband that beats you, or neglects the kids, or cheats on you, or spends your life savings on drugs, alcohol, and gambling.

Your problems seem petty.
the difference SHOULD be that you have more help and share responsibilites. maybe you need to have a long time with your husband to share your problems with him.
The difference is, when you are married, regardless, you still have your spouse to lean on. When you are single, you are all on your own.
there is a big difference just seems like like you got yourself a lazy husband. He should be doing more to help you out around the house. i would tell him he has to get lazy butt up and do some more work
Obviously more than you can imagine.
when you are married, you are MARRIED!!!

when you are single, you are SINGLE!!!

great deal of difference...
before marriage you will do all this for yourself.

after marriage you are doing these for your family.

d only difference u should b aware of is that the baby will have a father if ur married while no father when if ur single.....
Being married is like taking care of another baby.
Nothing. You have two REAL kids, one on the way, and one OVERGROWN kid (much like a teenage boy).
Absolutely nothing by the sounds of things
One less mouth to feed. It doesn't sound like this man is useful at all ditch him.

single= no spouse
You get more money??
In your situation it doesn't sound like there is much of a difference. I have been both. I was a single mom for the first two years with my son, then I got married and now have a 9 year old step daughter, my three year old son and one on the way.

The difference should be a balance of two parents. I maintain the daily balance of life with the kids, while its my husband's job to discipline and spend good ';daddy time'; with the kids. I do not work right now at he gets up and goes to work every morning...8 to 10 hours a day, occasionally more while I take care of all the house work and the meals...and like I said, getting the kids off to where they need to go and homework, etc. We share the load. When I do have this baby and go back to work, we'll share in the housework as well.

Everything should be equal and fair for a married couple. No one partner should have to do more or less than the other.
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