Saturday, January 23, 2010

Should married men who cheat and spend marital assets keeping a mistress go to jail?

Marital fraud.Should married men who cheat and spend marital assets keeping a mistress go to jail?
I bet most men will be against it, even though they were mostly all in favor of crucifying the unfaithful wife. Double standard alive, and well.Should married men who cheat and spend marital assets keeping a mistress go to jail?
Cheating and misappropriating marital funds is common for both genders and there are penalties in divorce law for this.

Paternity fraud is completely different because it is another area in which the female is not held responsible for her actions.

Be equal, be responsible.

EDIT, yes, I am saying that there are many laws that are there to ensure that a male is responsible for his actions (and rightly so) and that there are many laws that are either there or not to ensure sure a female is not.

Institutionalised chivalry, special treatment, diminished accountability... whatever you want to call it. That's the way it is and that's the way many women feel it should be.

Equality? I don't think so.
women do this too. if a woman drives a family car to meet a man, and her husband purchased the automobile, she is using a family asset to accomplish her cheating. if you jail a man for spending family money while he is cheating--jail the woman too. We are equal now---remember?
Should married women who cheat and spend marital assets keeping a secret lover go to jail?

Same situation and question...Why should only men go to jail and not women too?

Just about. There should be some sort of civil recourse.

You should find this interesting:鈥?/a>
YES !!! Marriage is way to attractive to men. Look at all those men lining up to get married. We need to cut down on marriage somewhat.
Why don't you and NOW start petitioning the government to jail all men who do this? If nothing else at least this will exercise some deep emotional need to take revenge on men.
I am glad you are so moderate. I think they should all be sold into slavery until you personally say they have paid their debt. Married women who cheat should get a ';walk';. Are you happy now?
You're a girl right??, why dont u ask the same thing about women???

if they'd done that, then the jails would be covered with CHEATERS instead of KILLERS!!!!!

It's true, innit?
Not even close to the devastation from the previous question. Comon pretty lame attempt.
Jail????? It aint against the law!!!!

It may be immoral but it isnt illegal.
Great backlash question. If it made sense. My answer: No, otherwise we'd see a lot of women in jail too now wouldn't we?
Only if when women cheat they go too.
Yes, and women who cheat, too.
No, but they should be castrated. ;)
heck No you know that.
Not in a free country.

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