Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can a separated married couple have their own love/romantic life during the separation period?

for a non muslim couple who are planning divorce in malaysia, they need to be separated for a certain period of time. while in separation, can the separated individual get involved with his/her own love life pending the divorce outcome ? will this complicate the divorce procedure or have any implication on the children custody issue ? pls advice...thk you.Can a separated married couple have their own love/romantic life during the separation period?
If you are not legally divorced, then you are committing adultery. There is no in between.Can a separated married couple have their own love/romantic life during the separation period?
yes. there can be complications if legal divorce is not granted.proof of extra-marital relationship will ruin the procedure.without proof and without publicity in the darkness any thing is possible.
Holy God, man, why would you ask a question like this to a bunch of bored American housewives and office workers?

What on earth made you think they would know anything about Malaysian divorce law or Muslim culture?

Probably a little risky by the sounds of things. But its not illegal I wouldn't imagine, but may well be frowned upon. So best to wait a while.
Seek legal advice - asking here is too risky for advice to take.

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