Sunday, May 9, 2010

A married couple shares a hotel room with one other person. What does the other person owe?

If a married couple are sharing a hotel room with one other person. Does that other person owe 50% of the bill or 1/3 of the bill since there are 3 adults? That married couple of course shared a bed and the other person had the other bed.A married couple shares a hotel room with one other person. What does the other person owe?
50/50 - they are a joint unit - they share the same pool of money. You have your own pool. Hotels charge by the number of beds - you used a whole bed - you didn't share it.A married couple shares a hotel room with one other person. What does the other person owe?
Hotels charge by the number of beds and the number of guests.I would call the hotel and ask what they charge for 3 people in a double room as compared to 2 people in a double room.That way you know your room mates are not over charging you.It varies from hotel to hotel so the only way to be sure is call the hotel you will be staying at.You can also ask at check in.
1/3 of the bill. Hotels go by the number of people in the room anyway... not the number of people per bed.

At the hotel I worked at, 1-2 people would be a set price for the 2 bed hotel room. A third person cost about $10 more. A fourth would cost another $10. (If you reach a 5th, they'd make you rent a roll-away instead of tacking on another $10.)

So, technically, the third wheel's bill was only the additional of $10 (or whatever) to a bill you would have already had to pay.

1/3 of the bill doesn't look so bad now, does it?

To be honest, if a married couple is going to try to weasel 50% out of me, I might as well cough up the other 50% and get myself my own room.
I would probably offer to pay 50% and hopefully they will divide it by three people. But sometimes, its the one person (out of the couple) who pays for everything. Most guys pay for the girl. So i would wait and see how they do things. But i would offer to pay some of it for sure.
i would say half anyway since he got the whole bed. you might say that the couple would choose to take the one bed together anyway but with the third person there could they enjoy it together in the biblical sense? that alone is worth getting an an extra 1/6th the cost back
I would say that the other person owes 1/3 of the bill.

I would say the third person is helping to lower the overall cost that you and your partner are paying... expecting them to pay half is a bit over the top.
Well, I would say half if you are charged 1/2 more for an extra bed. But if you're only charged a fraction more, just split the bill in thirds since you are both occupying that room and taking up space.
Depends.. I would charge whatever the extra bed would be because the double is always cheaper. For instance if its $100 for the double then an extra $35 for the third bed that is what should be paid.
Considering that each person in a room only raises the rate an average of $6, the thrid person is paying plenty with 1/3. That is reasonable.
I have to say a third because that is a REALLY uncomfortable situation for a single person to be in.
1/3 - There are 3 people sharing the bill regardless of whether they are married.
1/3 as there are 3 people

singles are always being discriminated against in fares and fees
1/3. Just because you're married doesn't mean you are one person. The extra bed didn't come out of your pocket.
50 50
50/50 split... see, hotels charge on number of beds...
A *******
They owe 1/3 I'd say.
I would charge a 1/4 of the cost.
well I'd say 1/3 of the bill since there were 3 guests.
I'd say 1/3.
i think they should figure it out.
it depends on the bill.
I'd say offer 50% and leave it up to them to decide.

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