Well said, Young Lady, well said! The loneliest I ever was in my entire life was when I was married to my first wife. I stayed married to her for 25 years.....the loneliest 25 years of MY life!Why do many single people think that getting married is a way to avoid lonliness?
Surely if you find yourself lonely after marriage, it means you were lonely before marriage. Loneliness has nothing to do with whether or not you are married, but more to do with your own attitude to life. If you are the kind of person who finds it hard to have friends, have a career, or mix with others generally, it does not matter how many times you marry, you will always be lonely. If you marry, you are likely to marry someone who needs someone to control and you will be controlled.
Only marry if you want to marry and marry that particular person. Your job to choose who to marry, and not be chosen for marriage. If as said by someone, you need to be validated as human, then be assured that marriage is not the vehicle for that. You are only lonely because of you, not because of others.
I am currently not married, but I live with my boyfriend (Mr. Chandler). I have been married before. There are many people who think that they will not be lonely if they get married, but if that is what they think, then they are getting married for the wrong reasons.
People should get married so that they can share the rest of their life with someone that they are in love with. It's so they can create a life together with another person and create memories together.
If they are young, most people want to be married to another person if they are going to have children, because they want the other person to hang around long enough to raise the children, so that they don't have to raise them by themselves, or have to worry about joint custody, and the other person (daddy's girlfriend, mommy's boyfriend).
They're just afraid of being alone. Let's be honest: the majority of people WANT a relationship. Getting married is NOT a solution, it's a life-choice. And the majority of people I know don't treat is as a fix.
That being said, when you get married you're usually not ';alone'; because you always have someone to fix the house with, pay the bills with, bring up children with, etc.
loneliness only occurs in a marriage if its unstable, or if its generally a loveless relationship...
i personally don't think i will ever get married, i don't particular agree with it, i don't see why people think they have to go through with it to prove that they are in love and plan on being together forever..you can be together with or without marriage, if you get what i mean.. and im single
I am in my mid 50's and single. I feel much less lonely now than I did during my 15 year marriage. I have now been divorced 3 years short of the duration of my marriage and I am much happier now than I was then. The key, for me, was to realise that I am responsible for my happiness not another person. Being alone, I have realised, does not mean being lonely. I have friends, I 'do things' like a recent trip to Paris which I thoroughly enjoyed as a single traveller. But, you see, as a singleton you have to have the confidence and will to do things for and by yourself. Society is geared to couples and if a singleton lets that be a barrier, it will be. I choose not to...if I want to go places and do things I will. Loneliness is a state of mind, not a state of being.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Loneliness is not something that can be cured or fixed by other people. It is a personal problem that comes from within. Once you feel better about yourself, you will be much more capable of coping with life whether or not someone else is there. This personal security will make you more attractive to other people, you will seem less needy or clingy, and you will be more likely to attract a mate.
I agree with you that marriage is not a cure for loneliness. I was married back in 1980 because I felt pressured by my then fiance and family. I sure wasn't lonely I had plenty of friends. After my husband and I parted ways in 1985 I stayed single until 2002. I married because i met my soul mate. We have fun together and he loves my son and I love his daughters. Heck I even like his ex wife! she is remarried to and I met him after the fact. I just got lucky
Cuz guys don't always hangout with guys, they rarely do, if they do they are gay or close friends. And what are the odds you found a close friend, its like being married except the sexual stuff.
It's mainly because EVERY guy wants to be in love. EVERY, anyone that is over the age of 14 will tell you that they want to find love, if not, there either asexual or bulls**ting with u.
I don't think people get married to avoid loneliness, I think they get married because they over romanticize the idea of being in love. They want to be in love so badly that they just lust over and fall for the next best thing.
They are immature and insecure...
The greatest lonliness is not loving and enjoying your own company before you can be fulfilling to another person or having another person in your life...
Some people need a significant other in their lives to feel validated. It's sad, really. Everyone should, at one point in their lives, learn to be happy being single. It's a great feeling!
been married 18 years and very lonely the last 4-go figure-
i am lookingforwardd to being single again and don'tt have any fear of
lonliness continuing-cant wait.
Because they are young, inexperienced or old and think that they just should be.
Many people think that their is something wrong with someone who is not married by 30.
I'm single, I'm not lonely, and I will get married when I meet the right man. I've seen a lot of people get married because they are trying to compete with their friends.
I'm single %26amp; i think marriage is for mugs
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