When I fell pregnant, me and my partner were not living together, I did tell him that when the baby was born he would be moving in. I didn't see why I should to left to care for a newborn by myself. Especially as we are both 1st time parents. For me personally having him move in was a little bit of a mistake, he was not working and was not contributing towards caring for the house or house hold bills. I think you should think very hard before making such a commitment. Living with your partner is a serious commitment, and having a baby is stress enough. In you case i think if he is earning such good money, he should be taking care of you completely, he can afford it!!What are your expectations from baby father if not married or living together?
He should be living with you to help take care of his child, if you gonna have a baby together, thats a fair commitment. If he wont live with you and do his share of the work then something is really wrong and you should not continue a relationship. He has alot of responsibilty now, to take care of his child and of you. If he wont be a real man and step up then he is not worth it and you should be getting maintenance and child support from him.
I have not been in this situation but will be very honest with you. I worked for a state clinic while I interned and part of my internship dealt with getting these women in the child support office. I commonly saw what would be labeled ';normal'; younger girls who had children with boyfriends, things went great for a while then he ';stopped helping';. If you and he make a verbal contract it isn't enforcable by even civil law. If you make a written contract with both signatures and a notary is present he must adhear to the contract. These homemade contracts are flimsy and can be avoided however going and filing for legal childsupport would be the safest option not only for you but for your baby.
If he makes a 6 digit income and you make nah dah compared to him then even through child support you could get 1,200 a month. The max in most ordinary cases is 2300, the person must make over 140 a year.
I know it is more favorable to handle the economics without the Government but I am honestly just trying to protect you and baby. The best method to ensure proper child support is to actually go to court. If he is planning to pay it wont matter that you have a court order, he will understand your protecting your child.
On top of support I would get a verbal agreement to supply a ratio of diapers, formula, clothes and basic needs.
Just to be a kind, caring, loving dad. To co-operate with me for the best interests of our child and to help financially by buying clothes/food and equally contribute to our childs future buy paying in to an account for him to use when he gets to 18.
It helps to be be friends too, putting aside any issues regardless of blame for the sake our baby.
Edit; Sorry I just realised he is still your BF? He should drop his single life and commit to you and your child. He has a family now.
i was not married to my partner when we had our first and we werent even living together at the start we still werent married by the time i was pregnant with no.2 but he was so excited when i told him i was pregnant.
if he doesn't live with me or marry me he should pay child support and be there for his child as a father.
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