Thursday, May 13, 2010

How do married hardcore christians treat sex?

I'm not looking for perverted detail or anything like that, but I've always been curious how the view their sex lives. For example, I know you guys think it's a gift from god, so like how does that play in? For anyone who gets the question, thanks.How do married hardcore christians treat sex?
Seeing it as a gift from God,is that out of the love between the married couple there comes a life. So since God is a creator we too have the chance to become creators of life.

That is why sex is seen as sacred because it creates a life...

Its not that they ignore pleasure or don't care about it in the process, they don't make pleasure their pure aim, because ultimately pleasure is individual, it can't be shared and sex is about uniting two people in love, so pleasure alone cannot unite them.

What then is shared between a man and woman loving each other? Life. A child is what is truly shared, half of the man and half of the woman, they create one flesh.

We see a person as body and soul intimately tied together, so if you touch someone you are also in a way touching their soul, so in the process of sex, you are uniting not only body, but soul too. They become one.

';the body reveals the mystery of God. And that mystery, which has been fully revealed in Jesus Christ, is that God is love. God is love in the relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The theology of the body means that our bodies somehow reveal the mystery of divine love in the world. How so? Precisely through the mystery of sexual difference and the call of the two to become one flesh.';

';In the mystery of marital union we have a sign here on earth of the eternal mystery of love found in the Trinity. A sign that reveals the eternal plan of God for humanity. That plan, to go along with this analogy, is that God wants to marry us. This is the reason he created us.';

';It's very intense. If you look at the Scriptures from beginning to end we have a story about marriage. Genesis begins with the creation of man and woman and their call to marriage. Throughout the Old Testament, the prophets speak of God's love as the love of a husband for his bride. In the New Testament, the love of the eternal bridegroom is literally embodied when the word is made flesh. Skipping to the end of the story, the Book of Revelation describes heaven as an eternal marriage-a marriage of Christ and the Church.';

';What would it be like to be married to God?

It's called heaven. We can push this analogy even further and recognize that not only does he want to marry us, but in a mystical way, he wants to impregnate our humanity with his divine life.

If God's eternal plan is to marry and to impregnate us with his divine life, he wanted this eternal plan to be so obvious to us that he stamped an image of it right in our bodies by making us male and female and calling us to become one flesh. This is the theology of the body. We see the mystery of God's love revealed in the sexes and their call to union.

Sexual love is an icon, or earthly image, of the inner life and love of the Trinity. This does not mean that God is sexual. Our sexuality reflects God, but that does not mean that we go the other direction and say therefore God's love is sexual. God is infinitely beyond any difference between the sexes. ';How do married hardcore christians treat sex?
Yes, sex is a gift from God. Christians have very healthy sex lives unlike 'many' non-Christians who can think of and speak of just about nothing else. Notice I said 'many' NOT 'all'.

Christians understand the purpose of sex and they know that it is for pleasure but mainly for the continuance of the species. Those who cannot fit God into the equation think of it as being a 'right' and just for 'pleasure', a recreational thing to do. For many the emotional side does not exist. Many think it isn't linked with love at all and that is why is is popular for many to have multiple partners.

This is mainly where Christians differ. We believe that sex should be within marriage, one man with one woman for life. Children brought up in an environment like that are usually the most stable and emotionally well balanced.
Well, first off, the inclusion of the phrase ';hardcore christians'; may confuse some. As in, what constitutes one, in your eyes, being hardcore verses liberal or ';not a christian'; ?? Seems like a term that begs to be spelled out in your own words, since you are the asker.

BUT, I think as a Catholic, I fit that definition since I have some pretty well established views of sex.

Pope John Paul II wrote an entire book about this called ';theology of the body'; which is a pretty philosophical look at things. Rather then simply telling you to read it... I'll do my best to give you the major bullet points.

1) Sex is not the only or even highest expression of Love, anytime we think this way we risk limiting ourselves to only one expression of love.

2) True Love is not a feeling, it is an action. It is not merely being led by one's heart, but to the contrary it is the mind LEADING the heart. Our emotions are fleeting and changing, love can not be merely an emotion or else it will be short lived. Our current divorce rate and people claiming they have ';fallen out of love'; seems to validate this point.

Love is what we choose to do for another person despite our feelings.

3) We are not defined by our sexuality. Our sexuality and orientation is only but 1 part of who we are. If we use our sexuality or our sexual desires to guide our actions, define who we are, we fundamentally limit ourselves as human beings and essentially become a slave to those aspects of our being. Religion, far from surpressing our sexuality, can actually serve to liberate us from limitations, allowing us to freely choose our expressions, timing, and attitudes towards sex.

4) Sex is MORE then physical pleasure. It is a gift from God given to human kind for some very high ordered and profoundly philosophical reasons.

God, as creator, did not NEED to involve human beings in the creation of new life. God is completely capable of simply snapping his fingers and ::POOFF:: creating a new human being, fully formed and ready to live on its own. So therefore Sex needs to be looked at as a gift from God in which he allows us lower creations to participate in the act of bringing forth new life. - What could be more profound then that?

It is in the sex act that we enter into ';cooperation with the supreme creator'; to, together, bring about a new life. This is a powerful and profound mystery to us, why the Creator would even allow us to have any part in creation.

Any other view of sex, besides recognizing it as cooperation with the creator, fundamentally lowers sex, degrades it, makes it less then it should be.

5) Sex is where we as individual human beings, must cooperate with one another in a very specific way. We must open ourselves and use the complimentary nature of our bodies to physically enter into union.

This union is intrinsically procreative in nature. A new life may not emerge from every sexual union, but the procreative potential is intrinsic in the very act. We as human beings must use artificial means to break this procreative potential..but in doing so, we ALSO break the cooperation with the creator, lowering the sex act to a small part of what it was designed to be.

6) Because of the complimentary nature in which we were created, sexual unions between 2 of the same sex, breaks this complimentary nature and removes the procreative potential from sex, making it sterile and fundamentally altering the entire purpose for sex. It then becomes about mere pleasure and not the full potential for which it was designed for.

7) Sex is NOT a selfish act for self pleasure OR where by we borrow or use another person's body for a short time to gratify ourselves. Sex should be a selfless act where you trust yourself to another person..where you RESPECT the uniqueness of that person's body and the procreative potential that the sex act brings.

That you look at the other person NOT as an object of desire, but as a potential mother or father. That in doing so, you recognize their humanity, there personality, their unique gifts.

8) Blocking the intrinsicaly procreative nature of sex, (i.e. contraception and homosexual acts) means that it becomes less then it should/could be. It becomes about mutual gratification, even if both parties agree. It becomes about giving one's self...mostly.... but holding back just a bit, so as to not FULLY trust the other person and potentially become pregnant. It allows us to view the person more as an object of lust and desire then as a respected person who might get pregnant or become a mother or father to our child. You tun the risk of being willing to emotional entanglement the person and hurt them for your own short term enjoyment.

9) Christians forget that God says that your FIRST ministry, your PRIMARY ministry in life is to your spouse if you are married. So your FIRST responsibility is to focus on your spouse.

Christian sex, when done following all these things above and in the context of marriage is Sanctioned by the Supreme being of all things. That alone is a huge revelation. When liberated from societies limited view of sex being about merely pleasure, the Sex act becomes a holy experience.


I could go on an on..but the point is.. the Christian view of sex, when properly informed, is PROFOUNDLY amazing and even MORE fullfilling then secular, modern views of sex and sexuality.

It is HOLY sex - as in, HOLY SH*** that was amazing.

You involve NOT just your bodies..but bring into the relationship an entirely deeper set of ideas about sexuality. You see the other person on a MUCH deeper level. You experience sex to a whole 'nother level. You open yourself COMPETELY to the other person. You look at them in a whole new light.

Honestly, Christian sex, like it is laid out by the Catholic church and other Theologians throughout history is mind blowing and WAAYYY better then merely doing it for pleasure.

People sometimes think that Christians are too uptight about sex, but if they are properly informed, Christian view of sex is waaayyyy more satisfying then secular/modern attitudes towards sexuality.

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