Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is a good Country in Europe to get Married to my Girlfriend?

And If we do it in Europe, will it be recognized in the US, or perhaps my state, Indiana?What is a good Country in Europe to get Married to my Girlfriend?
France , where love was invented -What is a good Country in Europe to get Married to my Girlfriend?
umm since when have you been ';gay';? lol

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Sweden was one of, of not the first country (1944) to legalize homosexuality and they've had gay marriage for a while now. Even the state church is very liberal (Church of Sweden) and the church doesn't play a big role in government. It has a say im decision making, but since a big part of the Swedish population is Atheist, I'd say the Swedish church has less say in government there than churches in the US do. Sweden is very, very liberal (Parliamentary democracy/Constitutional monachr) but not quite socialist. Very open about sexuality, etc.

Norway is also good.
It won't be recognized in your state or in the US federally. However, Canada does recognize gay marriage and the right to be parents. It gives Gays equal rights. So if you want to be close to home and near your family, Canada is the place to go.

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