If she is 9 years old as the islamic books say, does this mean pedophilia in the prophet's part. Most people in the US condemned men marrying little girls ( esp the latest case in Colorado), how does islam explain this?What is the actual age of aisha when she married the prophet?
She was 6 when she married and 9 when consummated.
Why has this only become pedophilia recently? Why is it that the harshest enemies of Islaam for 1400 years never brought this against Islaam and the Prophet salallaahu aalihi wa salam but now some perverted people brings this up as a point?
'Aa'ishah radhiallaahu anhaa was engaged to someone before the Prophet salallaahu aalihi wa salam, this was not an act of pedophilia. It was considered normal for people to marry at that age even up until recently. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Mary was 10 years old when she gave birth to Jesus Alaihis Salaam. It's not uncommon in many parts of the world to see 10 year old girls married. My own grandmother was married at 13. One of our brothers' grandmother married at 10. And this was barely 150 years ago.
The kaafir mind set in these times is so perverted that everything they think of is in terms of evil behavior. They ignore the rampant sexual activity in their middle schools with children as young as 8 years old having intercourse and do not forget the 14 year old girl who tried to flush her baby in a high school bathroom or the middle school 9 year olds who had sex in a public park bench and all this is without marriage.
The kuffaar only want to assume evils. They dont look at the fact that 'Aa'ishah radhiallaahu anhaa was not like their dirty minded children and the Prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam was not a dirty minded man.
Look at the christians for example. They ascribe to Loot Alaihis Salaam that his own daughters had intercourse with him. This is what they wrote in their bible. Look at what an evil they threw against a Prophet of Allaah!!
So it's not a surprise that they'll attack Muhammad salallaahu alaihi wa salam. What is the actual age of aisha when she married the prophet?
According to Bukari(sp?) she was 6 years old when she married and went to live with Muhammed. When she was nine the marriage was consummated. Yes most consider this to be pedophilia, but according to Islam, which I'm sure had something to do with this event, a girl is considered of marriageable age when she gets her menses. However, even though Muslims say that girls got their menses at earlier ages thus it was acceptable, that is untrue because the normal youngest age was 12 or 13. Plus those 12 and 13 year old girls were seldom married off to men who were in their 50's. There is no mention in any historical events of a child of 9 having sex. In fact Aisha's father refused the proposal of marriage until after Muhammed told him God brought Aisha to him in a dream to let him know she was meant for him(pleeeeeeeeeze). At that point her father really had little choice as no one would dare question Muhammed if he said God told him something. Most Muslims feel this is unacceptable now, but since they refuse to believe Muhammed was less than perfect they make excuses for him. The fact of the matter is that since it has been accepted by Muslims it continues to happen to this day unless the community has an uproar about it and intervenes. It is usually wealthy, perverted old men who pay the poor parents for their daughters. It was an abomination then, in biblical times and still is today. Now watch the thumbs down and insults start flying at me for speaking the truth.
Oh and the reason this is still practiced and considered by some to be acceptable is because the quran is supossed to be for all people for all time, including today and the future. Guess Muhammed didn't realize it would one day be considered a crime.
actually only ignorant people debate about this issue , because 1400 years ago it was the common and the right age for the girls to get marry at .
some Islamic scholars even say that she was 16 . see the first link
and in the 2nd link a good reply for those who keep bringing this issue up .
For many noble-born or royal women, marriage could and often did take place at a young age. There are many instances or very young girls being betrothed and married under the age of 10 years old. This did not necessarily mean that the marriage was consummated. However, there was a perception that once a girl began her period that she was considered to be of marriageable age. And so the male could begin his almighty pursuit for an heir.
the age consent in the US and Europe only 100 years ago for girls' marriage was as little as 10, and some popular men figures married little girls who were as young as their daughters.
No, its not pedophilia. Aisha R.A. reached her puberty while she started living with Prophet Mohammad PBUH.
Wikipedia on Puberty.
';Puberty refers to the process of physical changes by which a child's body becomes an adult body capable of reproduction. Puberty is initiated by hormone signals from the brain to the gonads (the ovaries and testes). In response, the gonads produce a variety of hormones that stimulate the growth, function, or transformation of brain, bones, muscle, skin, breasts, and reproductive organs. Growth accelerates in the first half of puberty and stops at the completion of puberty. Before puberty, body differences between boys and girls are almost entirely restricted to the genitalia. During puberty, major differences of size, shape, composition, and function develop in many body structures and systems. The most obvious of these are referred to as secondary sex characteristics.';
';Although there is a wide range of normal ages, on average, girls begin the process of puberty about 1-2 years earlier than boys (with average ages of nine to fourteen for girls and ten to seventeen for boys), and reach completion in a shorter time. Girls attain adult height and reproductive maturity about 4 years after the first physical changes of puberty appear. In contrast, boys accelerate more slowly but continue to grow for about 6 years after the first visible pubertal changes.';
I'm not going to debate on the factuality of her age. She had definitely reached puberty. I'm not a lot older than the age of 9 and I wouldn't mind marrying a elderly man. As long he's kind, religious, and doesn't abuse me. What's happening in the Middle East is against Islam; you can't married without your own consent. Besides, a lot of men of advanced age rape young girls around the world. Wouldn't it be better if they were married? I don't believe that Islam is like our society in which youth is the most important thing in the world and everyone's youth-obsessed . I don't think any other religion honors the elderly as Islam does.
it was the culture of the arabs to marry their girls young. I this time and age, people do not marry girls young. The prophet Muhammad pbuh was of the arab culture, so he married Aisha r.a when she was young. islam does not forbid this, nor does it say you have to do it. You can even marry some one older then you, like a man can marry a women older than him. or a women can marry a man younger than him. It is allowed in islam.
back then it was different there were no laws or anything back then if u are watching the series bab al hara u will see this back then 13 year olds would marry 20 year old guys and if a girl wouldnt get married by 13 then there was somethin wrong with her because the earlier the girl married the more likely they would get pregnant thats what they believed back then but now we have advanced technology and laws we hve to follow they dont and aisha was engaged to the prophet when she was 7 and was married at 9 at first i thought it was a little weird but now i understand that back then things like this didnt matter.
The issue is not that Mohamed did or did not consume the marriage at the age of 6 or 9 (supposedly it was normal in those days and in that culture). The issue (for non-Muslims) is that Muslims see Mohamed (if I understand Islam correctly) as an example on how to live and structure their lives.
The question: which examples of his live do Muslims follow and which not? And why (not)?
ًًًWhat applies 1400 years ago not necessarily applies today in terms of customs etc. In the old times it was very natural in all cultures for girls to get married very young and just after puberty and in some cases before puberty. Maybe their bodies and level of thinking was different (maybe matured early). Puberty was the thing that separated adults from children. Only in recent history (19th century) that humans decided to extend childhood to 18 years (21 years in some countries). Marriage is still allowed under current laws with parental consent in some states for as young as 13 as in New Hampshire and 14 as in Texas.
Check out the 6th paragraph in this page.
It seems they allowed 7 years old to get married in the United States in the 20th century.
Check also this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriageabl…
so many people have debated about her age, some say she was 19 and not 9 some say she was 13......and 1400 years ago...did america or any other country had a law about marrying a girl that age? ur comparing todays laws with things that has happened 1400 years ago.......if u want to do that...im sure the christians in greece back than commited millions of crimes....and same thing for the jews
She was 6 when he married her, and the marriage was 'supposedly 'consummated, when she was 9. But he was attracted to her before she was 6, and informed her father that he wanted her.
From what I have read on here from Muslims, they said that girls grew up faster, physically, in those ages. Non-Muslims don't believe that.
Documents say that Aisha was 9 years old when she married Prophet Muhhamed.
Only salafi say she was 9 so they can marry young girls, they are pedo, she was 16
A Christian friend asked me once, “Will you marry your seven year old daughter to a fifty year old man?” I kept my silence. He continued, “If you would not, how can you approve the marriage of an innocent seven year old, Ayesha, with your Prophet?” I told him, “I don’t have an answer to your question at this time.” My friend smiled and left me with a thorn in the heart of my faith. Most Muslims answer that such marriages were accepted in those days. Otherwise, people would have objected to Prophet’s marriage with Ayesha.
However, such an explanation would be gullible only for those who are naive enough to believe it. But unfortunately, I was not satisfied with the answer.
The Prophet was an exemplary man. All his actions were most virtuous so that we, Muslims, can emulate them. However, most people in our Islamic Center of Toledo, including me, would not think of betrothing our seven years daughter to a fifty-two year-old man. If a parent agrees to such a wedding, most people, if not all, would look down upon the father and the old husband.
In 1923, registrars of marriage in Egypt were instructed not to register and issue official certificates of marriage for brides less than sixteen and grooms less than eighteen years of age. Eight years later, the Law of the Organization and Procedure of Sheriah courts of 1931 consolidated the above provision by not hearing the marriage disputes involving brides less than sixteen and grooms less than eighteen years old. (Women in Muslim Family Law, John Esposito, 1982). It shows that even in the Muslim majority country of Egypt the child marriages are unacceptable.
So, I believed, without solid evidence other than my reverence to my Prophet, that the stories of the marriage of seven-year-old Ayesha to 50-year-old Prophet are only myths. However, my long pursuit in search of the truth on this matter proved my intuition correct. My Prophet was a gentleman. And he did not marry an innocent seven or nine year old girl. The age of Ayesha has been erroneously reported in the hadith literature. Furthermore, I think that the narratives reporting this event are highly unreliable. Some of the hadith (traditions of the Prophet) regarding Ayesha’s age at the time of her wedding with prophet are problematic. I present the following evidences against the acceptance of the fictitious story by Hisham ibn ‘Urwah and to clear the name of my Prophet as an irresponsible old man preying on an innocent little girl.
EVIDENCE #1: Reliability of Source
Most of the narratives printed in the books of hadith are reported only by Hisham ibn `Urwah, who was reporting on the authority of his father. First of all, more people than just one, two or three should logically have reported. It is strange that no one from Medina, where Hisham ibn `Urwah lived the first 71 years of his life narrated the event, despite the fact that his Medinan pupils included the well-respected Malik ibn Anas. The origins of the report of the narratives of this event are people from Iraq, where Hisham is reported to have shifted after living in Medina for most of his life.
Tehzibu’l-Tehzib, one of the most well known books on the life and reliability of the narrators of the traditions of the Prophet, reports that according to Yaqub ibn Shaibah: “He [Hisham] is highly reliable, his narratives are acceptable, except what he narrated after moving over to Iraq” (Tehzi’bu’l-tehzi’b, Ibn Hajar Al-`asqala’ni, Dar Ihya al-turath al-Islami, 15th century. Vol 11, p. 50).
It further states that Malik ibn Anas objected on those narratives of Hisham which were reported through people in Iraq: “I have been told that Malik objected on those narratives of Hisham which were reported through people of Iraq” (Tehzi’b u’l-tehzi’b, Ibn Hajar Al-`asqala’ni, Dar Ihya al-turath al-Islami, Vol.11, p. 50).
Mizanu’l-ai`tidal, another book on the life sketches of the narrators of the traditions of the Prophet reports: “When he was old, Hisham’s memory suffered quite badly” (Mizanu’l-ai`tidal, Al-Zahbi, Al-Maktabatu’l-athriyyah, Sheikhupura, Pakistan, Vol. 4, p. 301).
CONCLUSION: Based on these references, Hisham’s memory was failing and his narratives while in Iraq were unreliable. So, his narrative of Ayesha’s marriage and age are unreliable.
CHRONOLOGY: It is vital also to keep in mind some of the pertinent dates in the history of Islam: pre-610 CE: Jahiliya (pre-Islamic age) before revelation
610 CE: First revelation
610 CE: AbuBakr accepts Islam
613 CE: Prophet Muhammad begins preaching publicly.
615 CE: Emigration to Abyssinia
616 CE: Umar bin al Khattab accepts Islam
620 CE: Generally accepted betrothal of Ayesha to the Prophet
622 CE: Hijrah (emigation to Yathrib, later renamed Medina)
623/624 CE: Generally accepted year of Ayesha living with the Prophet
EVIDENCE #2: The Betrothal
According to Tabari (also according to Hisham ibn ‘Urwah, Ibn Hunbal and Ibn Sad), Ayesha was betrothed at seven
Islam does not try to explain this filthy, perverted act. It ignores it.