Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What happens when married people with pets, divorce?

I am not in this situation or anything, but I was just thinking about it. If you are married, and have pets together, what happens when you get divorced if both parties want the animal? Do they have joint custody, or is one person awarded full custody and how do they decide who gets the pet?What happens when married people with pets, divorce?
My husband and I will never get a divorce, but if we ever did, he can have the house, I am taking the dogs.What happens when married people with pets, divorce?
Most of the time the dog gets dumped at the shelter. I wish there would be more people who would get into custody battles over dogs or say; ';Gee, I'm going to get a rescued dog because the spouse got the dog.'; Then again I have a rich fantasy life.......
well, im married with 2 dogs. Me and hubby ahve already decided what will happen. You talk about it as simple as that. Plus, i love them both so it wouldnt really matter which one i would keep. It is only fair at the end of the day to have one each. If its only one dog instead, it would be fair to see who can give the dog a better place to live (an apartment versus a big garden for example).
We just agreed to joint custody of our cat. She lives with my most of the time and visits my ex when he is in the country. Many ppl have joint custody of their pets while others actually do go to court over custody of them. It always depends on the situation.
they are lonely
you pick which pets you want the most
For my exhusband and I we just decided for me to find homes for all but 1 dog and I took the last dog with me (we had 6 dogs). For some though fights last for awhile over who should keep the animal(s) and can actually get pretty bad with the fighting like seen with children. In some cases the couples agree to share the animal(s) and they take turns keep him/her for a week or two at a time. Sometimes though the spouses end up in different states in which case they have to just work out who will keep the animal and since animals are unfortuantly considered property the courts handle them as such. If there is more than one animal involved they can be split up. It is just best on everyone if the couple makes a decision themselves and puts it in writing because the courts are rarely wanting to get involved in an animal dispute.
A judge decides if the couple can't come to an agreement.
I would think they would take turns with it. When the other person moves out they may not be able to have pets where they live and then they would just work something out to where they can have visitation rights. I would think no one would actually take this to court. They would just work some kind of arrangement. And MOVE FORWARD.

never went through the experience so i dont know

sorry i am just bored i wanted to type something lol sory.
Like children, pet too stays with one but divided in mind.
Depends on how fond of the animal they each are. It could be both want it, one likes it better than the other, or not at all. The couples argue while the lawyers make money.
Probably one person has full custody of them or of course tha person who bough tha animal gets it.

person above me ^ up there is a meanieee you wouldnt ever put em to sleep thats just wrong.
Good question and I wonder, too. I am a caregiver for two pets right now and hope either the husband or wife still want them or will have a place for them after the divorce. I think it depends on the living arrangements the people make once they split. Pets like any other marital possessions can be something to fight over or use as leverage or bargaining, whatever you call it. My daughter-in-law really had to have the dogs, but once I told her to come and get them, the desire faded to nothing. She can come visit them or take them anytime she wants to. She has trouble lifting a 7 pound bag of food though, so giving them food becomes a problem for her. And she's too much of a girlie-girl to also pick up their poop.
they're property and a judge decides that in divorce would need to be lined out in the papers by an attorney......
Now days, pets are treated like property or children. The separation agreement usually covers who gets what. If they both want the animal, then the court will usually decide who gets what. I have talked with friends who got divorced and the custody of the dog was a huge battle at court. Usually someone who wants tht dog bad enough will give in on some other issue like a car or extra cash to the other party to compensate and create an ';equitible'; situation.

I on the other hand am not so lucky. My soon to be ex-wife does not want the animals so I am stuck with them until my daughter moves out and takes her yappy poodles with her. Ain't love grand! :))
You both will have to decide on who takes the animals.
Pets are treated like property, if one party can't agree on who gets pet, the judge usually orders it sold (if AKC or similar) and the money divided equally or if a mutt given to a shelter. Usually when that happens, one party gives in and lets the other have the pet to prevent its sale/adoption.

Ocasionally, if one person can prove their money bought the dog, paid for vet bills, etc....they get the animal.
For me this would be really hard, we have two dogs and I know he would want to keep them both but we would separate the dogs just as when we bought them. We each picked one out and that one is still our dog, even if we were separate.
My parents had this happen to our family dog. They agreed to

joint custody outside of the divorce settlement.

but it was actually quite the fight over the dog!! I also fought my ex over our dog. And I won simply by telling him

no you can't have the dog. But animals of great $$ prob have to have something in writing. Breeders etc..highly pedigreed animals, not just dogs, are fought over in divorces. There is a money value,and potential income, and so as community property it would perhaps apply. I am just guessing tho'.
Some people treat the situation as they would if it were a child and they do share custody. Other times they just decide that one or the other will get to keep the pet.
Umm that's not really an issue because usually people don't care that much! But if there was no prenup then the husband and wife get half of the money and property, so the court would figure ow much money the animal was worth, and if someone wanted it then they would pay for it in property.
It's kinda like children but mostly one person will win custody.
They put them to sleep.
You eat your pets
pets arent that important?
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