Im engaged now and im 17 were planning a wedding for a week after i turn 18. What do you think?What do you think about getting married at 18?
I think that you should finish college and start a career. Grow up a little bit first then think about marriage. I think your still a little too young.What do you think about getting married at 18?
I got engaged at 17, now I'm 23 and am getting married in September. We had meant to get married when I was 18 but lots of things have happened over the years that have got in the way, we've both changed so much and been through so much together.
I'm glad we didn't rush into it because we're so much better together now and we've both managed to get settled in good jobs and have bought a house together.
We've got through the difficult times and it's made us stronger as a couple, but if we weren't meant to be we wouldn't of managed to stick it through everything.
When we were younger we both wanted the same things for the future, now we still want the same things but they are totally different to what we planned back then! In fact the whole wedding will be very different to what it would of been 6 years ago.
So I don't think there's anything wrong with it if you're sure it's what you want, I'm just saying that you will both change a lot over the next few years and might both want different things in the future.
Good Luck
Running across this kind of question always raises a red flag. Not about your age - but how comfortable YOU are with the idea. If you're questioning it, indulge yourself and look into why you're questioning it before you start planning.
You'll be an adult (legally) so it is your right %26amp; privelage to get married if that's what you choose. But you're still a very young adult so it's understandable [and actually very mature of you] to want to experience other things before making that kind of a commitment.
Life takes off after 18. It really does. I grew so much as a person after I started living on my own. Had some GREAT experiences (concerts, clubs, finding a job, getting a dog, having my own apartment, etc.). And I changed AGAIN the closer I got to 25. I think, had I been married at 18, life would've been okay but I would've felt cheated out of some normal early 20s experiences.
So it's up to you. But if you're having doubts a long engagement might be a good option.
Why would you want to at 18? If he REALLY loves you, he'll wait.
Marriage isn't like it was 20-30 yrs. ago, the 2 of you should be enjoying yourselves, not thinking about marriage. Have the 2 of you given any thought about going to college after high school? The way to economy is today, how will the 2 of you support one another? Being a waitress or working at McDonalds isn't going to cut it when you've got utilities and mortgage to pay for. If the 2 of you do college are you going to the same 1? And if not, how's a marriage going to work? Grow up a little more, being married isn't all it's cracked to be in 2009!
i got engaged at 18 and now just turned 20, i am getting married on may 9th. i would say there would be nothing wrong with as long as you have a career and things settled in, which normally a 17 year old does not. when i was 17 over the summer i took a CNA class and after graduation at 18, i went to school to become an LPN (nurse) and i just finished, I know you two are in love but honestly, don't put more on your plate than what you can handel. after marriage usually comes children and you don't want to bring kids into this world without being able to give them what they deserve financially. Like i said i know you two are in love but if its true, marriage can wait until you are both settled in, with decent jobs, cars and perhaps a home.
good luck!
Personally, I don't think age is as big a deal as life experience. Have you lived with this guy? Do you know that his nasty little habits or lack of motivation to help around the house won't drive you bonkers? I'm getting married in June and my fiance and myself have been living together since I was 19 (I am now 21). We bought a house together and have 3 dogs. Here is a recap of my morning thus far:
Wake up with a sore back because he slept with his leg slung over me, certain sweaty body parts were pressed up against my leg. I hopped in the shower and he soon entered the bathroom to take a poo. I then came out to seeing him running around the front yard because he left the door open and one of my dogs slipped out and wouldn't recall so I had to dash outside with a bag of treats barefoot over ice, through mud, and in the snow. Then he complained because I asked him to make appointments for himself to see the doctor and check up on his student loans.
Of course there are great things about being together but you have to realize that meeting up at the mall for a burger and going out to the movies is not ';real life.'; If you get married at 18, that's cool, but I hope you've been living together long enough to know what terrible habits he is going to show.
Well, I know that if I had gotten married at that age that it would have been a disaster, but we're two different people. I know that I've grown and changed since age 17/18. I truly thought I was mature back then, but now I realize that I still had some growing up to do. But you're not me. Maybe you've found the one at a young age and are mature enough to realize how just much hard work and hard times can come along with marriage, and have the strength to make it work. It's hard to give an definitive answer without really knowing you. All I can say is I wish you luck.
Why rush?? If you are engaged and 17 then wait 3, 4, even 5 years! Why do you have to get married in less than a year?
Secondly, I think this is FAR too young to be engaged, never mind married! If I had married the person I was with when I was 17 (whom, I thought I was going to be with for the rest of my life) well, oh dear, what a mistake that would have been!!
You have way too much growing up to do. Step on the breaks and enjoy the road - there is no need to speed past everything.
I think it's fine as long as you are mature and think you're ready. I got married at 17 and we're going to be celebrating our 2nd anniversary in September. It is hard but also really fun. Something that was very important to me as well was that my parents were very involved and we had their blessing. We are very happily married.
Good luck!
EDIT: I notice alot of other answers say to wait till you're done with college and started a career. Well, that's only if you're planning on going to college in the first place! I haven't been to college and don't plan on going. My career plan is to be a full time wife and mother! :) I'm not saying college is wrong, I'm just saying you don't necessarily HAVE to go, and you also don't have to wait till you're done to get married either, unless it's not a financially wise decision.
I think that you are going to regret it. I think you should have a good divorce lawyer handy. You do not even know who you are yet. How could you be getting married? You have no idea what life is about. You have no idea what life has to offer. If your relationship is as strong and wonderful as you feel it is, it can survive 5 or 6 years of waiting to get married. You will change as much in the next 5 or 6 years as you did in the last 5 or 6 years. Think about that. Think about how different you are at 17 then you you were at 11 or 12. While it is true that you will grow and change your whole life, by your mid twenties (at the earliest) you should be mature enough to make such a major life decision. Do not be fooled by the few (VERY, VERY, VERY FEW) teenage marriages that work. They are the exception that proves the rule. WAIT!!! It is the only smart thing to do.
So things used to generally go in this order: get married, get settled, have kids, then take care of whatever schooling or whatever else
Nowadays, the emphasis has been put on schooling first, and then all the things that marriage entails
However, sometimes, you just KNOW what's right for you, and if it's to be with this man, then so be it.
But there really is no harm in waiting until you both have grown together a little more...because you will still be together either way
--the opinion of a newly turned 18 year old lady
I wouldn't do it. I didn't do it. I think you change a lot in your late teens and early 20's, i think people should wait till mid 20's to get married. You know exactly who you are then and what you want. You have had the chance to do university and start your career.
There is nothing wring with getting married ta 18 if that's truely what you want though. For me it would have put too much pressure on our relationship. I have been with my bf since i was 15, and i am now 24. We are not married and not engaged yet, but we do have a serious relationship. We live together (just got a house). We will get married one day, but i am glad we didn't when we were young. We both changed a lot and went through some ups and downs, but we now know we are strong enough to get through what life throws at us.
As i said, personally i would not get married at 18, but it really depends on the person.
I think that if you and your fiance are meant to be together, you will still be together after you finish college. A long engagement would be a lot of fun and still very romantic. You would have time to get your education completed and build a solid financial base for a home and starting a family. I wish you the best.
too young. you have your whole life ahead of you. what's the harm in waiting if you think you'll be with this guy forever anyway? oooooooooh I get it, you want to save yourself for marriage. don't get married just to have sex because that means you'll be having babies like asap and then you can't be a kid anymore. your 20's are SOOOOOOO much fun, but if you're married with kids you'll totally miss out.
hey :)
i got married last year when i was 17! lots of people judge me for that, but whats the point of listening to them when it is MY life and i have to make MY own decisions.
we are still happily married 7 months down the 1 good sign!
and my mum married my dad when she was 17 and they will be celebrating their 29th anniversary this year!
best of luck
Well, my mum got married at 19 (as did my grandmother actually) and they are all still together. I wanted to get married at 18 but couldn't afford it... I think it's great for those that have been together a long time - more than 2 years. But sometimes it doesn't work out too well. My uncle eloped when he was 18, bless him, it only lasted 6 months.
You win some you lose some.
You have your entire life to get one of you dying???? If not then WAIT!! I got married to my first husband when I was 17, separated at 18 and divorced at 19!!! I wish I had waited because when I met my soul mate, he had to be my second husband. I have been with him now for 14 years(since I was 19) and he is my SECOND husband. CRAZY!!!
nah lady - im 23 and i dnt plan getting married til im past 30 you should be enjoying time together having a laugh.
iv been with my boyfriend 5 years and we live together but i can wait to get married
why rush into it.
have something to look forward to.
Well I'm 18 and engaged and planning to be married within the year.
I say if you're 100% sure thats what you want, then go for it ^_^
I wish you the best of luck!!
i think it's a little young you should experience life after high school first it is completely different. I just turn 25 and getting married in 1 month and people tell me i'm young.
I think that there is nothing wrong with getting married at 18. Both my Mom and my sister got married at that age. As long as your in love with him, then I think it is fine!
Too young. Women change and grow up so much after 18. Dont do it
Aslong as yous love each other. And want to be with each other for the rest of your lives then get married!
But make sure your not rushing into it.
Good luck!
Statistics show that most 18 year old marriages end in divorce or abuse. Just be mindful.
Finish school! Get settled into your career! Then start thinking marriage.
Altho there are exceptions, by %26amp; large it's a mistake.
if you are in love and are sure it wont interefere with what you can achieve in your life go for it xx
I would wait until you have finished school.
I may have thought about it but mighty glad I didn't do it.
I think that I am glad I didn't marry the guy I was with at 17/18!
Well I think that is a decision that only can make.
It would not have worked for me...I didn't marry till I was 27.
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